Register your decision

About your choices on the NHS Organ Donor Register

The NHS Organ Donor Register is a secure database that keeps a record of your organ donation decision.

Below are all the choices you have available to you.

Before you start

  1. Whatever you decide, please talk to your loved ones. They will always be consulted, and can overturn your decision if they aren't sure what you want
  2. Organ donation in some parts of the UK has changed. See how the changes affect you
  3. To donate only some organs, register a decision and record your preferences.
  4. Withdrawing your name from the NHS Organ Donor Register is not the same as recording a decision not to donate. Read about what withdrawal means

Register to donate

Choose this option if you would like to donate some or all of your organs and tissue.

Register not to donate

Choose this option to record a decision not to donate your organs and tissue.

Amend your registration

Choose this option to update your existing registration or donation preferences.

Withdraw your registration

Choose this option to remove your existing registration from the register. This will leave no recorded organ donation decision for you.

More options