Laura's story
Laura from Greenwich, London has had two cornea transplants for an undiagnosed illness.
When Laura began to notice problems with her eyesight, doctors struggled to determine what was causing the problems.

She said: “My vision was misty on waking, but cleared during the day. I used to get halos around any lights that I was looking at too. Eventually, the misting would not clear.”
Laura had a cornea transplant in her right eye, and then when the same problem developed in her left eye she had a second transplant ten years later.
“By the time I had my first transplant I couldn’t see out of my right eye. It was just grey. I could see light and dark but no definition at all.”
“After both transplants my vision was clear,” she recalls. “It was still blurry at first, but clear! I could see colours and definition. The blurring eventually settled and the vision is good.”
Now I can see my son’s lovely little face!Laura
Laura, who is an underwriting specialist, says: “Had I not had both corneas transplanted, I probably wouldn’t have been able to continue in my job, and therefore wouldn’t have met my partner and probably wouldn’t even have my son.”
I feel forever grateful to my donor and their family.Laura