Max's story
Max received a life-saving heart transplant and became a committed campaigner for organ donation.
Max received a life-saving heart transplant aged nine.
He was on the waiting list for eight months after being diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy; a disease of the heart muscle.

Following the diagnosis, Max’s parents were devastated.
Dad Paul recalls: “It was absolutely awful being told Max would need a heart transplant. The wait was agonising; as a parent you are desperately looking for reassurance from the medics but with organ donation it’s the one thing they can’t give you.”
Throughout his wait Max decided to share his story and support a campaign in favour of an opt-out system for organ donation.
Dad Paul says: “Max met several children whose wait for a transplant was sadly too long. He wanted to help and be part of something that could stop it happening.”
Max’s gift of life came from a young girl named Keira, who passed away aged just nine years old.
Her parents made the selfless decision to help others through their own tragedy.
The gift Keira gave will be remembered by our family for ever.Emma
Max's mum
Max and Keira's Law
As Max recovered he continued to campaign. He became a key voice in raising awareness of the need for more families to consent to organ donation.
In 2018 the government announced that the law around organ donation would be changing and would be commonly referred to as Max’s Law, in recognition of all the campaigning Max and his family have done.
Max announced he wanted Keira’s name to be added. The Bill received Royal Assent on 15 March 2019 and Max and Keira’s Law was enacted in England from 20 May 2020.