A Hindu perspective on organ donation

Is organ donation permitted for Hindus?

Organ donation is giving an organ to help someone who needs a transplant.

There are many references that support organ donation in Hindu scriptures. Daan is the original word in Sanskrit for donation meaning selfless giving. It is also third in the list of the ten Niyamas (virtuous acts).

Life after death is a strong belief of Hindus and is an ongoing process of rebirth. The law of Karma decides which way the soul will go in the next life.

Organ donation in England has changed

Read our leaflet for a Hindu perspective on changes to the law.

Organ donation is in keeping with Hindu beliefs as it can help to save the life of others.
The Late Mr Om Parkash Sharma MBE

President, National Council of Hindu Temples

I always carry my donor card with me. It says that my whole body can be used for organ donation and medical purposes after my death. I would like to encourage as many people as possible to do the same.
The Late Dr Bal Mukund Bhala

Coordinator Hindu International Medical Mission, Former President Hindu Council UK

Making a donation is your choice. But it can be seen differently even in the same religious groups.  If you have any doubt, you should approach your religious adviser.

Make sure you talk to your family and friends about your decision so they know your wishes.

Bharat donated both kidneys, his corneas and other tissue after his sudden death.

His wife and two sons agreed to organ donation because they felt helping others was part of Bharat’s nature, and in line with his beliefs and faith system as a Hindu, in particular the tradition of Sewa.

Jay, father of Aari Patel, reflects on a conversation with his mum, a devout Hindu, about agreeing to organ donation on behalf of his son.

Further information

Organ donation law in England has changed

The following leaflet has been created by the Hindu and Jain steering group to explain the changes to the law around organ donation, the Hindu perspective and to share stories from the community to help people make their donation decision.

Download our guide to organ donation and Hindu beliefs

Additional information about organ donation and Hindu beliefs is available in different languages.  

Hindu donor cards

If you support organ donation, why not download our Hindu digital, printable and smartphone wallpaper donor cards?

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